Learning determine goal The first learning, that has everything to do with a goal. That may be a bit cliché for you as an online marketer, but it is very true. It has all kinds of advantages, so you actually ask yourself what is my goal with everything. It makes it much easier to give direction, to show that you are doing well or not, but also to judge whether something has a chance of success or not. In the end it is of course about the four moment and that is the most important thing, but you have to set a goal for that. And whether that is for Google Ads or for SEO or whichever channel you use, everything starts with a goal and thus ensures progress.
The last advantage of starting with a goal is that you lose yourself less quickly in the issues of the day. If you notice that you are going to lose yourself in something, so that you may things Singapore phone number list too detailed, you have to go back to the initial goal that you have proposed and from there you can put things into perspective, hey does this have an impact on what you have working on at the moment. Hence a bit of that cliché because yes you often hear it, we start with a goal blah blah blah but certainly in online marketing, because it is quite data driven, it is essential to properly map that out before you start all the other going to do things.
Learning data My second learning is about data, also one that is of course a bit of a no brainer in online marketing, but certainly also an essential one. My learning is mainly that everything runs on data, but the question you should ask is what do you do with it? Particularly because otherwise it remains a feeling because yes, all the data you have actually there is always an answer to think of whether that is right or wrong and that is precisely the pitfall.
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