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With your help I am going to give 1 million \"Desert Flower Power Education boxes\" including a first reading book, a notebook, a set of coloured pencils, a schoolbag, an eraser and a sharpener to children in Africa. Last month we visited our project partner in Sierra Leone and Tanzania. My team did teacher workshops on how to use the book in their classes. We got a lot of reception and the teachers are already waiting for the education boxes.
Im a student living in london completing my second year of university and i would like to ask if you take interns in your organisation, as i would really like to gain some experience in this field of work.I myself went through the same experinces you have gone through, and i would like to dedicate my career in this sort of work and fight Early marriges, FGM,poverty. May i also add i read your book and it brought me to tears,your bravery and determination is insipirational.
I am very sorry about my late reply and let me say how sorry I am that you had to go throughthe same torture. At the moment we do not have any intern in our foundation, but pleasesend us an email to and we can keep you in our database for any futureopportunities. Thank you so much for your support my darling!
I just wana say GOD bless u waris for what u had done in your life,,,,,the desert flower was one of the most nice stories i ever read in my life,,,,,best wishes and good luck inshallah Osama Abudalbouh,,,,,USA_OHIO
hello dear waris, i came with your book desert flower when i crossed with when you had interview with austrial magazine weekly women and you told about your story and your bookG.M ( CUTTING THE ROSE) AND MOST PEOPLE STAY IN VILLAGEs, love to read your new books in english and like to translate the desret flower to my language arabic for the favour for peole in my countries hope you reply me and tell me your idea about that< will try to read all your books and see movies< still keeping desert flower with me, hope to hear from you soonthanksmamoun omeremail
Thank you very much for your interest in the Desert Flower Foundation and our work. That would be great if you coud write an article in polish or in french about us, we would be very happy and willing to help you. You can contact us per e-mail at Again, thank you very much!
To assist in standardizing names of desert flowers, this booklet gives preferencein its headings to scientific and common names found in Arizona Flora, by Kearneyand Peebles, Second Edition, 1960. Common names found in Texas Plants, A Checklistand Ecological Summary, 1962, by F. W. Gould, also have been used. In addition,placed within the text, are some of the more widely used common names that we haveencountered. Tree names, both common and scientific, follow the Checklist of Nativeand Naturalized Trees of the United States, by Elbert L. Little, Jr., 1953.
There are many desert flowers, some quite common, for which there was notspace in this booklet. If you wish to broaden your acquaintance to include more, werecommend, for added reading publications listed in the back.
Limited in its range to the desertlands ofsouthern California and southwestern Arizona,the desertlily or ajo (AH-hoe) resemblesa small easter lily. During dry seasonsthe plants do not bloom, but following wetwinters each deeply-buried bulb sends up avigorous shoot which may be from 6 inchesto 2 feet tall, with a bud cluster at its tip.The delicately fragrant flowers may appearin late February, with some tardy bloomersstill in evidence in early May. Bulbs were dugand eaten by Indians and, because of theirflavor, were called ajo (garlic) by the Spanishpioneers. The town of Ajo and a nearby valleyand mountain range in southwesternArizona were named for this plant.
One of the common plants of the ChihauhuanDesert and considered the principal indicatorof that region, lechuguilla (lay-chu-GHE-ah)covers the ground so densely insome places that it is impossible to walkthrough it. The stiff, erect, needle-tipped,banana-shaped leaves are a hazard to man andbeast. The flowering stalk, which blossoms inMay and June, is unbranched and flexible,bending gracefully in the desert breeze. Deerand cattle nip off the tender buds. Mexicansweave the tough leaf fibers into coarse fabrics;and the roots, called amole, produce sudswhen rubbed in water.
This coarse, herbacious perennial is one of the early spring flowers of the desert,sometimes blooming along road shoulders and in sandy washes in late February andMarch. Commonly called wild rhubarb, its sap and roots are high in tannin content,and its delicately pink fruits are more attractive than the blossoms. Indians andMexicans use the leaves for greens. Papago Indians of Arizona roast the leavesand use the roots for treating colds and sore throat. This plant is a close relative ofEuropean dock, several species of which have become naturalized in North America.
One of the early spring flowers, sand-verbena creates spectacular mass displays,sometimes alone, usually intermingling with other colorful early bloomers such asbladderpod and sundrops, which grow on road shoulders and sandy flats. Theflowers are delicately fragrant, especially at night. Semi-prostrate in habit, sand-verbenaleaves are covered with a dense growth of short, soft hairs which retard theloss of moisture so essential to desert plants. This annual is common from southernCalifornia and southern Arizona into Sonora.
Closely related to the orange California-poppy, official flower of the GoldenState, the desert species is a bright yellow annual. Following warm, wet winters clustersof these glorious blooms dot the hillsides in late February or early March. ByApril they may cover the slopes with a blanket of gold interwoven with the bluethreads of lupines and purple patches of escobita owlclover. When other earlyspring vegetation is scarce, cattle graze the plants. Flowers open only during sunnyhours, remaining tightly closed at night and on cloudy days.
Found at elevations above 1,000 feet, spectaclepodis one of the long-flowering speciesblooming from February to October. Thelarge flower heads are pleasantly fragrant,and the peculiar, flat, double fruits resembletiny spectacles protruding at right angles tothe stem. This species is found in the PetrifiedForest area of northern Arizona, andHopi Indians are reported to use the plantin treating wounds. Another species, Californiaspectaclepod, is often abundant, coveringsandy flats of the lower deserts. This speciesblooms from February through Apriland sometimes again in the fall.
Mesquite (mess-KEET) is a many-branched tree 15 to 23 feet tall, whichflowers from late April to June. It is common bordering desert washes, often formingdense thickets. The flowers furnish honey bees and other insects with nectar,and the long, sweet pods ripen in autumn, providing food for livestock. The fruitshave long been a staple in the diet of desert Indians, who used the trunks, roots, andbranches of the trees for firewood and the dried gum-like sap to mend pottery andas a black dye. The inner bark provided the Indians with materials for basketry andcoarse fabrics. Roots of mesquite trees have been reported to penetrate to a depthof 50 to 60 feet to tap sources of ground water.
Buds unfold soon after sunset in late June or early July, perfuming the desert airand attracting night-flying insects. They wilt soon after sunrise the following morning.The large, tuberous root, which serves as a water-storage organ, usually weighsfrom 5 to 15 pounds, but specimens have been found weighing more than 80 pounds.Indians at one time dug the tubers for food. The bulbous fruits become red whenmature, and are almost as spectacular as the flowers. This species is found fromwest Texas to western Arizona and northern Mexico.
Limited in its principal range to the Mojave-Colorado Desert, the beavertailis a low-growing species with flat joint-pads and bluish-green stems without spines.In their place are clusters of brownish spicules set in slight depressions in the wrinkledpads. The plants blossom in March and April, adding materially to the color ofthe spring flower display. The plants thrive in sandy desert soils, at elevations from200 to 3,000 feet above sea level, and are found as far east in Arizona as Wickenburg.Cahuilla Indians cook the fruits with meat, and Panamint Indians dry the padsand boil them with salt.
Most widely distributed of the pricklypears, Engelmann plants are large andspreading, sometimes forming spiney bushes 3 to 5 feet high and up to 15 feet indiameter. The branching stems may have from 5 to 12 pad-joints. Flowering inApril and May, the petals at first are yellow but turn to pink or rose with age. Theplants prefer washes and benches in the desert grasslands, often growing withpaloverdes, saguaros, mesquites, and lechuguilla agaves. Excessive abundance oftenindicates an overgrazed range. Fruits, called tunas, are purple to mahogany whenmature, and are eaten by many birds and rodents, as well as by desert Indians.
Common to all of the deserts crossed by theboundary between the United States and Mexico,ocotillo (oh-koh-TEE-yoh) is a spectacularshrub, its many long, stiff, green-barkedand thorn-guarded stems bearing at their tipsclusters of bright red flowers from April toJune. Following rains, the stems cover themselveswith clusters of bright green leaves.When drought comes these leaves are shed,to be renewed again after another rain. Thisprocedure may be repeated half a dozen timesin one year. Cahuilla Indians eat both flowersand seeds, and make a beverage by soakingthe blossoms in water. When planted ashedgerows the thorny wands make an impenetrablefence.
Usually found in desert mountain ranges, at elevations between 5,000 and6,000 feet, this ground-hugging, herbaceous perennial blossoms in May and June.Flowers are larger than those of the several other desert species of phlox, mo
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