Effect start out on either PC or 360 and then are moved to the other quickly and easily. Xbox Live is Microsoft's online service. For a measly 50 dollars a year gamers are presented Buy Email Database with plenty of options that make playing online with friends simple. A player can send their friends invites no matter what game they are playing and also hold chats with them while playing different games!
The majority of games released nowadays have some kind of Live connectivity whether it is achievements to showcase a player's accomplishments in games or downloadable content of Buy Email Database varying value; starting with the near useless Horse Armor in Oblivion to new map packs in games like Halo and Gears of War to the oft-delayed Grand Theft Auto content that promises to be huge.
The Xbox 360 is a DVD player and also has plenty of media available to download. The only problem with this is the astronomical price that Microsoft charges for the proprietary hard drives Buy Email Database for the 360. A 120GB drive can cost as much as 180 dollars! A standard drive for the PS3 could have double the space for that cost. Media wise the 360 also loses a little ground to the PS3 because it only supports DVD (and for a while the ill-fated HD-DVD).